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Topic: Suspension Spring Tuning
Juliet Page unregistered |
01-15-2000 11:14 AM
Suspension Info from Puhn's "How
to Make your Car Handle" in Digest form. Got the same book Ddecart?
The key is to match the front and rear frequencies accounting for
the travel time between wheels (tuning for a particular speed), with
the front lower than the rear in order to minimize pitching motion.
The Natural Frequency of the suspension should fall in the range of
1 to 2 cycles / sec. Lower limit is for soft sedans and upper limit
for racing cars. I'm not sure what's recommended for a C3.
To calculate the Natural frequency of the existing front and rear
wheels: Disconnect the shock. Measure the ride height. Jack the
car up until the load is completely off the springs. Measure the
ride height. The difference between these two values is the static
deflection (in inches).
Natural Frequency = 3.133 / (sqrt(static deflection)) (Eqn 1)
Wheel rate is defined as the amount of force required at the
wheel to move the suspension one inch vertically. Sprung weight is
the weight sitting on the springs.
Natural Frequency = 3.133 * Sqrt(Wheel Rate / Sprung weight per
wheel) (Eqn 2)
If you calculate the Natl Freq using Eqn 1 and can approximate
the weight / wheel then you can back out the wheel rate from the Eqn
To go between Wheel Rate and spring stiffness you need to account
for the mechanical advantage (or leverage). Consider an A arm with
the wheel at the end and the spring exactly in the middle. If the
wheel moves 2 inches, the spring only moves 1 inch. Also the FORCE
on the spring changes due to the change in height, but also that
force is transmitted to the wheel via the mechanical advantage,
another reduction in 2, for a total of squaring the mechanical
Wheel Rate = (Spring Stiffness) / [(Mech. Adv)*(Mech. Adv)] (Eqn
Mechanical Advantage is pure geometry. If you know either the
Spring stiffness or the Mech Adv then you can calculate the other
one. Later on if you're just changing springs and not geometry use
Eqn 3 to get the new wheel rate. I'm not sure how to get mechanical
advantage for the rear leaf springs, but I think for the spring's
acting distance it's the center of the differential to the outer end
of the leaf. And for the wheel distance it's from the center of the
differential to the vertical line through the tire contact patch.
The measurements are all made horizontally between the appropriate
vertical places.
I think for the rear's the Mech. advantage should be a number
like 2, whereas for the front it might be something like 1.75. I
haven't measured mine yet.
To look at the Pitching motion you need to consider ONE speed and
the wheelbase. Basically you calculate the the time for one full
cycle of motion of the front and one cycle of the rear. You want the
front period GREATER than the rear period by the time it takes your
car to travel it's wheelbase length at the tuned Car Speed. Or
conversely you want the rear period shorter than the front by the
wheelbase travel time.
Time to travel wheelbase = .0568 * Wheelbase / (Car Speed) (Eqn
4) Where Time is in seconds, speed is in MPH and wheelbase in
Period Rear = period Front - Time to travel Wheelbase (Eqn 5)
Frequency = 1/Period and Period = 1/Frequency (Eqn 6)
OK, with this one can calulate period & frequencies
considering the geometry of the car for the existing springs. How do
you determine which springs to change to? Depends of course on what
you're trying to do. The big variable here is the Natural Frequency
(low=soft, high=stiff). Say you want to stiffen the car and have new
front springs, but you're trying to decide which rear ones to go
1. Calculate what you have for the period in the front (Eqns 1 -
3 with front numbers). 2. Add the time to travel wheelbase for
the speed you're tuning for (track lap speed or cruising speed
whatever's appropriate) and get the Rear Period (Eqn 5) 3. Get
rear frequency (Eqn 6) 4. Back out Rear Spring stiffnes (Eqn 1-3
with rear numbers)
I wonder what the numbers are for my car.... Anyone know theirs?
We've already got some spring stiffness numbers posted in the
Vettebrakes leaf spring post... Guess it's time for some applied
research for me.
------------------ ~Juliet ...overlooking Mill Creek on the
Chesapeake Bay... Loaded Bridgehampton Blue on Blue '70 350/300Hp
TH400 with a White Ragtop
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gq82 Senior Member
Posts: 390 From: Northern N.J. Registered: Sep 1999
01-15-2000 02:53 PM
Oh brother, and lets see E=MC2
and has anyone calculated pie lately? Your back to
silly. ------------------ 82 Collector Edition Woodcliff
Lake N.J.
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geeeyejo Senior Member
Posts: 291 From: Staten Island, NY, USA Registered: Jul
1999 |
01-15-2000 03:30 PM
Juliet, I think you have been
watching too many Star Trek reruns! Thats some pretty heavy
sh-t! I started college planning on being an engineer, first year
of calculus took care of that! Damn, getting flash backs... better
sit down... Later! STW!
------------------ geeeyejo Red 1974 4 spd l48
coupe Rebuilt #'s matching drivetrain Staten Island NY Save
The Wave! Visit:
[URL=http://geeeyejo.homepage.com/index.html [img]http://geeeyejo.homepage.com/my74vette.jpg[/img]
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70L46 Senior Member Cruise-In I Veteran Cruise-In II Veteran
Posts: 1041 From: Eastpointe MI USA Registered: Jun
99 |
01-15-2000 04:35 PM
Wow, I'm gettin' turned on
I always thought it was simply The wheels on the bus go 'round
and 'round
Good luck with the research project!
------------------ Bill Eastpointe, MI 1970 L46 Cortez
Silver Convertible www.ameritech.net/users/whardy/billscar.htm
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flynhi Senior Member
Posts: 792 From: Austin, TX Registered: Aug 2000 |
01-15-2000 05:09 PM
This is fascinatin' stuff. Do I
understand that frequency is a function of wheel/tire weight and
that consequently spring rates and front/rear spring ratios will
vary with wheel/tire weight? If true, the 8 lb per wheel
difference between rallys and alum wheels and the 12 lb per wheel
difference between rallys and custom wheel covers (69-72) will make
a significant difference. Also, I think the original wide ovals on
68-72 were considerably lighter than current radials. Thanks for
starting an interesting thread. Please continue as you do your
measurements. Will 71 350 Conv
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Juliet Page unregistered |
01-15-2000 06:59 PM
The sprung weight per wheel is the weight distribution of the
entire car. If you sat each of the tires of the car on 4 Jumbo
bathroom scales, the sprung weight is what each would read. Yes, the
tire & wheel weight will enter into the sprung weight, but it's
a secondary effect.
The equations posted above from Puhn's book consider simple
spring geometry and linear spring constants. In reality the natural
frequency of the wheel is affected by the sprung to unsprung weight
ratio. The simplified equations posted above assume in effect zero
wheel weight and are neglecting any inertial effects of the wheel on
the spring system. In reality this will have a real effect on the
natural frequency, even if a minor effect on the unsprung weight.
The bigger impact will be on the overall vehicle dynamics and the
system damping ratios. I don't think that I'm going to get into
vehicle dynamics here, it's a world unto it's own... A good
reference book for this stuff is Competition Car Suspension by
Staniforth. ~Juliet
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ddecart Senior Member
Posts: 3481 From: Howell, MI Registered: Aug 1999 |
01-15-2000 11:15 PM
Thanks Juliet. I got a kick out
of that. You put the screwdriver down long enough to do some in
depth reading, I see. I don't have the book, but I know of it.
Its so much easier to put a car on a $1 million kinematic and
compliance machine and have the numbers spit out for you
Unfortunately, I don't yet have one in my garage.
To corect one thing you said, Juliet, the sprung weight is notthe
weight a (large) bathroom scale would read if placed under each
wheel. That is the corner weight. The SPRUNG weight is that MINUS
the weight that's unsprung. What's unsprung? Well, that is the
wheel, tire, brake rotor, caliper assembly, etc... But what about
the conrtol arms, you say? Well, in that case, 1/2 of the weight of
the control arm is sprung and 1/2 is unsprung. Unfortunately, adding
up all of those weights isn't the easiest thing to do if you're
browsing through a catalog and you want to buy new springs.
The linkage ratio, or the inverse of mechanical advantage, is
somewhere in the range of 60-80% I believe. That means that the
spring is placed 60-80% of the way out from the lower control arm
bushings (for the front). So in terms of mechanicaladvantage, this
would be in the general range Juliet specified.
On Natural Frequency, the equation for the nat. freq. is correct
relative to the static deflection of the spring. however, you cannot
measure the static deflection by jacking up your car. Springs are
pre-loaded, so there is always load on them. That's why you need to
use a spring compressor to remove them. It sure would be nice if
they were completely unloaded. Safer too. But that's not possible
considering that its necessary to have a spring that doesn't fall
out of place when the suspension drops, and the static deflections
are so high that the suspension travel would have to be HUGE to
accomplish that.
To clarify the different rates front to rear and the piocth
balancing stuff, think of it this way. if you hit a bump with the
front and then with the rear a short time later, the front will be
coming back down when the rear is starting to go up. So the ends are
going in opposite directions. This is rather unpleasant. To balance
that out, you want to make the rear stiffer, so it bounces faster.
Done correctly, it will essentially catch up with the front
susspension, and the car will bounce up and down and not pitch fore
and aft. A general rule of thumb, developed by Maurice Olley-the
father of modern vehicle dynamics, is that the ride frequency for
the rear of the car should be 10-20% higher than the front
Will: The frequency of a first order linear system is freq=
sqrt(k/m) where k is the spring rate and m is the mass. So yes, a
lower mass is effectively the same as a stiffer spring.
The numbers that you mentioned for the wheel and tire weights are
UNSPRUNG. "Yeah, so?" The unsprung mass does not figure into the
ride rates and ride frequencies. It does factor into the wheelhop
frequencies AND lower unsprung mass is better for ride.
geeeyego: It only gets more fun after Calculus!!
Thanks for the great thread, Juliet!
------------------ Dave White '69 Stingray
Coupe Brighton, MI AIM: Sxty9Vtte "Indecision may or may
not be my problem"
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Juliet Page unregistered |
01-16-2000 10:30 AM
Dave you made some good points.
Thanks for the correction on the corner vs. unsprung weights. I
suppose much of this really depends on how indepth a method one
want's to apply. I'll disagree with you on the issue of pretensioned
springs negating the jack the car up method. The intent of that is
to determine the spring stiffness. As long as it's in the linear
range of stiffness I *think* that method will apply. In a rigorous
sense one should account for the weight of the wheel, brakes etc. I
suppose one could get out spring stiffness by putting a scale
between a jack and the wheelhub and jacking it up and then applying
a finite deflection and remeasuring force and distance. The intent
is to get Force and displacement and use that to back out the spring
stiffness. A preload shouldn't affect this as long as the spring is
still in the linear range. BTW, they don't preload the rear leaf
springs do they? ~Juliet
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flynhi Senior Member
Posts: 792 From: Austin, TX Registered: Aug 2000 |
01-16-2000 11:40 AM
Thanks for this thread. Now for
the hard part - digestion and application.... Regards,Will 71
350 Conv
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Juliet Page unregistered |
01-16-2000 12:40 PM
Will, the hard part is getting
out the ruler & scales & jacks and going out into the garage
and measuring the stuff! ~Juliet
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florida_vette Senior Member
Posts: 1364 From: Registered: Nov 1999 |
01-16-2000 12:50 PM
springs are modeled after this
e^(jwt) * cos (wt + bt)
which is a decreasing sinusoidal wave within the limits of
the E function..
where w=angular freq t= time bt=phase angle
------------------ 76 daily driver email: dreksler@ufl.edu web: http://grove.ufl.edu/~dreksler
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ddecart Senior Member
Posts: 3481 From: Howell, MI Registered: Aug 1999 |
01-16-2000 02:15 PM
Juliet: Yes and no. The
natural frequency for a linear first order spring-mass system can be
determined directly from the static deflection, as you mentioned.
But to know the static deflection, you need to know the length of
the spring when it is completely unloaded. Actually, this might be
one of the easier things to determine, especially if you have
purchased springs and can measure the length of them before and
after you install them.
As far as determining the spring rate, the 'bathroom scale'
method would work. The tire also has a spring rate that needs to be
taken into consideration, bt that spring rate is much stiffer and
can probably be neglected.
You hit the nail on the head with the comment about depending on
how in-depth you want to get. One of these days I need to find or
make a suspension model for a C3. if and when I do, I'll be sure to
let everyone know what the basics are.
The rear leaf springs may or may not be preloaded. I have a VB
glass springon mine and the preload on it determines the rear ride
height. I'm not sure about the stock spring.
For those who are interested in reading more about the topic, I
can recommend some decent Vehicle Dynamics books:
1)"Fundamentals of Vehicle Dynamics" by T. Gillespie. Tom is a
professor of Mechanical Engineering at University of Michigan. His
book is used at several universities in vehicle dynamics classes.
2) "Theory of Ground Vehicles" by Wong. Another book that's
frequently used as a textbook. This book is used in a Graduate-level
course at UofM. It contains more in depth theory than Gillespie's
3) "Race Car Vehicle Dynamics" by Milliken and Milliken. Don't
let the title fool you. Aside from the race-car specific
aerodynamics, most all of the info applies equally to any car. (I
have an extra copy I'd be willing to sell if anyone is interested)
The book that Juliet mentioned and others like it, geared toward
the weekend racer, are also good sources.
------------------ Dave White '69 Stingray
Coupe Brighton, MI AIM: Sxty9Vtte "Indecision may or may
not be my problem"
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Robert Holtman Senior Member
Posts: 1506 From: Corning, CA, USA Registered: Jun
99 |
01-16-2000 08:27 PM
Ummm, the springy things 'ur fer
da holez in der roads.
------------------ BBBBob
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